If you have more money, there is nothing wrong if you invest your money in the form of apartments to remember the good apartments have a pretty fantastic price increases every year. Here are tips for choosing the apartment.
Apartment Location
As property law generally, the number 1 is location, number two is the location, number three is the location. Options apartment in a strategic location, or at least have good access, especially from the central business such as banking, trading centers, hotels and entertainment facilities. The closer access to the CBD, the higher the potential increase in price.
Apartment Management
Apartment manager must have the best reputation. Some international caliber to serve as collateral manager of marketing success and increase in value of investment apartments. Select a manager who has an international network that can bring in expatriates to your apartment so that the rental value increases faster
Land Status
Select apartments with status of land ownership rights. Your investment will be very, very safe when you’re on land ownership status. Some apartment project located on the ground with the status of land rent or land disputes even make apartment building built hampered even canceled because of land conflicts.
Room Apartment
Average experts bring family or relationship, so they need a minimum 2 bedroom to living in an apartment. Increase in value two bedrooms upwards will be higher than the percentage increase in one bedroom.
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